[Indonesia] Science and Impact | Call for projects – Mars 2023


2023 March session: closing on 18 February 2023


In order to strengthen cooperation in Science and Technology between France, Indonesia and East Timor, the French Embassy in Indonesia and East Timor is deploying a programme called “Science and Impact“. This programme is linked to other existing programmes and those in preparation, in order to offer a complete range of tools for cooperation in Science and Technology.

Types of projects eligible:

  • The objective of this programme is to facilitate the operational implementation of specific actions within an existing framework of Franco-Indonesian cooperation (public, private or non-governmental structures).
  • A visible achievement is expected from each action that will be funded by this programme in order to illustrate the Impacts of Science, in particular in the framework of the cooperation between France and Indonesia.
  • No restrictions on scientific themes apply. Particular attention will be paid to projects that are part of a sustainable cooperation.

The amount allocated to each project may not exceed €10,000 (ten thousand euros); the average amount allocated per project since October 2016 is around €4,000 (four thousand euros).

The method used for the allocation of funding is that of a grant to the institution; having a legal personality in France. A certificate of non deduction of expenses by the institution is imperative before payment. No agreement will be established between the Embassy and the winning institution as it is a unilateral decision of funding.


To know more and apply:

Visit the website of the French Institute in Indonesia (french only): https://www.ifi-id.com/fr/appel-a-projets-science-et-impact-mars2023/#/