Partnerships in Malaysia

CNRS partnerships in Malaysia

1 International Research Project

International Research Projects are collaborative research projects between CNRS and partner laboratories. They strengthen previously-established collaboration and allow to develop joint research activity, field work, experimentation, and supervising students. Their mandate is 5 years and can be extended once.

The IRP (LIA) “International French Malaysian Natural Products Laboratory”, IFM NATPROLAB, was created on 1 January 2015 for a term of 4-years (2015-2018), and was renewed at the end of 2018, as an International Research Program (IRP) for an additional period of four years (2019-2022). IFM NATPROLAB allowed strengthening a scientific collaboration between Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (ICSN, UPR2301, CNRS) and Phytolab of the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences, University Malaya.

1 International Research Network

International Research Networks will structure and gather a large international scientific community around a common theme or à research infrastructure. It promotes the organization of international workshops and seminars, as well as thematic schools. It brings together, for a duration of five years, researchers from several French and international laboratories, and several countries can be involved in one network.

Managed by Dr. Adèle Esposito Andujar (CNRS), the international research network CREMA (Documenting & Mapping the Heritages of the Ordinary City) examines, in a comparative perspective on the scale of South-East Asia, the processes by which associative and professional actors, in synergy with communities of inhabitants, attribute heritage values to the places of everyday life (residential and commercial districts) that make up the “ordinary city”. It will be effective from 2022 to 2026.