[Malaysia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Malaysia

[Malaysia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Malaysia

[Malaysia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Malaysia

CNRS ASEAN - visit Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
Malaysia visit CNRS ASEAN IFM NatProLab

CNRS Office in ASEAN during its visit to the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia, with the Deputy Director for Research Prof. Norzaini binti Azman. 26/02/2024. Credits: Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia.

CNRS Office in ASEAN visiting the malaysian partners of the project IFM NatProLab. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26/02/2024 Credits: Project IFM NatProLab.

The CNRS Representative Office in ASEAN was invited in Malaysia on the 26th of February 2024 by the Ministry of Higher Education and the international project IFM NatProLab.
The CNRS Office in ASEAN first met with the ministry of Higher Education, including the Deputy Director for Research Prof. Norzaini binti Azman, to discuss the possibilities of further collaboration between France and Malaysia.
This meeting was also the opportunity to discuss with researchers from several malaysian universities and with the National Energy Centre.

The CNRS Office in ASEAN also visited the malaysian partners of the international project IFM NatProLab in University Malaya, Prof. Khalijah Awang and her team, to discuss the future of this long-lasting collaboration.

Finally, the CNRS ASEAN Office met the scientific attache of the French Embassy in Malaysia.

[Singapore] Visit of CNRS Physics in Singapore

[Singapore] Visit of CNRS Physics in Singapore

[Singapore] Visit of CNRS Physics in Singapore

A delegation from CNRS Physics, one of the 10 Divisions of CNRS, visited Singapore from the 19th to the 21st of February. The delegation was composed of: 
  • Prof. Thierry Dauxois, Director of CNRS-Physics;
  • Prof. Saïda Guellati-Khélifa, Deputy Scientific Director for Physics of atoms, molecules and plasmas, optics and lasers;
  • Prof. Sébastien Tanzilli, Deputy Scientific Director for Quantum Physics and Technologies.

The purpose of the visit was to consolidate knowledge about the Singaporean ecosystem in higher education, research and innovation. The focus was on quantum science and technology, noticeably by exploring the potential for cooperation brought by the international research laboratory MajuLab.  

The delegation met with major stakeholders in that field, such as NUS, NTU, A*STAR, CQT or NRF. 

[Vietnam] Visit of Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of CNRS, in Vietnam

[Vietnam] Visit of Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of CNRS, in Vietnam

[Vietnam] Visit of Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of CNRS, in Vietnam


Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS, during his visit to the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) where the IRL offices are situated. 27 November 2023, Hanoi, Vietnam. Credits: VIASM.

40 years of cooperation between VAST and CNRS. Credits: CNRS.

For the 40 years of cooperation between CNRS and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of CNRS, visited Vietnam on November 27 and 28.

This visit was the opportunity to meet researchers from the VAST, but also from the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), both partners of CNRS in the international research laboratory FVMA “France-Vietnam in Mathematics and its Applications”.

The CNRS delegation also visited the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) premises, where CNRS and IRD researchers presented their work on joint projects.

Lastly, Antoine Petit met the French and European Union ambassadors in Vietnam, Olivier Brochet and Julien Guerrier.

[Singapore & Thailand] Visit of Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS, in Singapore and Bangkok

[Singapore & Thailand] Visit of Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS, in Singapore and Bangkok

[Singapore & Thailand] Visit of Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS, in Singapore and Bangkok

CNRS confirms and expands its presence in ASEAN
A delegation of CNRS representatives, led by Antoine Petit, President and CEO of CNRS, visited Singapore and Bangkok from July 10 to 13. They took part in the CREATE Symposium, the DesCartes conference and the launch of the International research laboratory HealthDEEP.

On Monday July 10, 2023, the Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) organized a Symposium on the “Science of Sustainable Cities”, at the occasion of its Board of Directors and of the presence in Singapore of all the presidents of the partner entities for this meeting. A delegation from CNRS, led by its President and CEO Antoine Petit, made the trip.

Throughout the day, more than 450 participants attended a variety of conferences, as well as demonstrations of current projects and start-ups developed with fundings from Singapore’s National Research Foundation. The CNRS and its local subsidiary CNRS@CREATE were showcasing several projects, including:

  • the DesCartes program, with a mixed virtual reality model enabling the visualization of a simulation of the impact of winds, temperatures, etc. on the flight of a drone over the Marina Bay district of Singapore using Hololens glasses;
  • the CALISPO project, with a presentation of the soSPIM microscope;
  • the EcoCTs, SPACE and ScaNCells projects, with posters displayed throughout the day at the event venue.

A recognized stakeholder and a dynamic local subsidiary

This event gave Antoine Petit the opportunity to exchange views with a number of strategic contacts, including Ms Minh-di Tang, French Ambassador to Singapore. He also held in-depth discussions with Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Chairman of the National Research Foundation of Singapore (NRF). During their meeting, they discussed scientific strategy and planning, cooperation with industry, innovation, attracting young people to science, and science diplomacy. They also discussed the bridges to be built and the direction to be taken for relations between Singapore and the CNRS.
CNRS was the first research organization to join the CREATE international research hub in 2019, through the creation of CNRS@CREATE – the very first CNRS subsidiary abroad. With 8 research projects to its credit (lasting from 18 months to 5 years), this subsidiary is now a partner of choice for Singapore.

Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Chairman of the National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) discussing with Prof. Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS. Credits: CNRS@CREATE.

The DesCartes program, and the ambition to develop “frugal” AI

The following morning, taking advantage of the momentum created by this symposium, CNRS@CREATE organized an event dedicated to its flagship program, and one of CNRS’s biggest collaborative projects to date: the DesCartes program.
This 5-year research program is dedicated to decision-making in “urban critical systems”, one of the many research challenges linked to the “smart city”. Combining AI and physics to form a “hybrid AI” that is more frugal, less data-hungry and therefore less energy-hungry, it fits in perfectly with the theme of the previous day’s Symposium, where it had already been presented.

After an introduction by Ambassador Minh-di Tang, followed by several scientific presentations including a new presentation of the “DesCartes Augmented Marina Bay Twin” demo, Antoine Petit was invited to take part in a panel discussion on the future and prospects of AI in smart cities.
In the company of Luke Ong (Chief Scientist of AISG) and Raju C. Chellam (Editor-in-Chief of the AI Ethics & Governance Body of Knowledge), this panel was moderated by Steven Miller (Vice-Provost of Singapore Management University) and provided an opportunity for the panelists to discuss recent research in the field that they felt held promise, as well as to share their ideas about developments in artificial intelligence that could be applied to and enhance tomorrow’s smart cities.

Finally, this last day in Singapore was also an opportunity to exchange views with local CNRS researchers. So, after attending the renewal of the CINTRA International research laboratory (nanotechnology), Antoine Petit and the delegation were able to meet the teams of the various International research laboratories and International research projects based in Singapore, in addition to the CNRS@CREATE teams and researchers.

CNRS in Thailand: a stronger presence on biodiversity issues

Finally, on Wednesday July 12, the delegation travelled to Bangkok to officially launch the International research laboratory Health, Disease Ecology, Environment and Policy (HealthDEEP).

The ceremony took place at the French Embassy in Bangkok, in the presence of Ambassador Thierry Mathou and representatives of the project’s partners, Mahidol University and Kasetsart University. Serge Morand, director of the new laboratory, explained the challenges and ambitions of the project.

The research carried out in this Franco-Thai laboratory will be dedicated to the study of biodiversity and its links with human health. In order to meet the environmental and public health challenges posed by the many mutations in biodiversity in Southeast Asia, which are conducive to the emergence of zoonoses, HealthDEEP will be home to research into the diversity of infectious agents, the ecology of transmission and conservation, as well as socio-ecosystemic approaches based on the involvement of communities and local administrations.

In addition to scientific research, the new Franco-Thai laboratory is also intended to become a hub for collaborative research, training and dialogue with political decision-makers. With the creation of this international laboratory, CNRS intends to intensify its collaboration with ASEAN countries, whose members are cooperating on the One Health initiative.

Serge Morand, Director of HealthDEEP, and the various project partners after the signing ceremony at the French Embassy in Bangkok.