[Singapore] Visit of a CNRS delegation in Singapore

[Singapore] Visit of a CNRS delegation in Singapore

[Singapore] Visit of a CNRS delegation in Singapore

Visit CINTRA CNRS delegation May

Alain Schuhl, CNRS Deputy CEO for Science, and Christelle Roy, Director of CNRS Nuclei & Particles, visiting the international research laboratory CINTRA. 23/05/2024. Credits: CNRS Office in ASEAN.

Alain Schuhl, CNRS Deputy CEO for Science, Jean-Luc Moullet, CNRS Deputy CEO for Innovation and Christelle Roy, Director of CNRS Nuclei & Particles, visited Singapore in May 2024 in order to attend a meeting of CREATE governing board for CNRS@CREATE.
They also had the opportunity to meet with the Ambassador of France to Singapore.

Jean-Luc Moullet, CNRS Deputy CEO for Innovation, was in Singapore the 20th and 21st May. During his visit, Jean-Luc Moullet went to the international laboratory MajuLab on quantum physics, met with A*STAR and visited several CREATE entities.

Alain Schuhl, CNRS Deputy CEO for Science and Christelle Roy, Director of CNRS Nuclei & Particles and former Director of the European Research and International Cooperation Department were in Singapore from the 21st to the 23rd May. They could visit two CNRS international laboratories, CINTRA (nanotechnologies) and MajuLab. 

[Thailand] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Thailand

[Thailand] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Thailand

[Thailand] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Thailand

Chirachem symposium 2024 CNRS Thailand
Chirachem symposium 2024 CNRS Thailand
Chirachem symposium 2024 CNRS Thailand
Chirachem symposium 2024 CNRS Thailand

Chirachem Symposium 2024 at VISTEC in Thailand, with the presence of the CNRS Office in ASEAN and the French Embassy in Thailand. 10/04/2024. Credits: Chirachem.

The CNRS Representative Office in ASEAN visited Thailand the 9th and 10th of April 2024, in order to meet with the international laboratories of CNRS in Bangkok, the French Embassy and to participate in the Chriachem Symposium 2024.

The CNRS Office in ASEAN first met, on the 9th April, the Global Health regional program officer at the French Embassy in Thailand, the CNRS international laboratory HealthDEEP and the French research institute abroad IRASEC, to discuss about the collaboration on the One Health approach.

The symposium 2024 organised by the international project ChiraChem took place the 10th of April in VISTEC, CNRS partner in the project. Dominique Baillargeat, Director of the CNRS Office in ASEAN, made an opening remark at this occasion, reminding the importance of this project with VISTEC for CNRS and of French-Thai scientific collaboration.

[Indonesia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Indonesia

[Indonesia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Indonesia

[Indonesia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Indonesia

Assembly universities Indonesia 29-02
CNRS in Indonesia Assembly 21 universities

Dominique Baillargeat, Director of the CNRS Office in ASEAN, with the representatives of 21 public universities during the Assembly of Academic Senate of Indonesian Legal Entity State Universities. Malang, Indonesia, 29/02/2024. Credits: CNRS Office in ASEAN.

Dominique Baillargeat among the speakers of the Assembly of Academic Senate of Indonesian Legal Entity State Universities. Malang, Indonesia, 01/03/2024. Credits: CNRS Office in ASEAN.

The CNRS Representative Office in ASEAN visited Indonesia from the 28th of February to the 1st of March 2024, in order to meet major research stakeholders.

The CNRS Office in ASEAN first met the Cooperation and cultural action advisor and Director of the Institut Français of Indonesia, the Attaché for science and technology and his Deputy at the Institut français Indonesia, Jakarta. 

On this occasion, the French Embassy organized a meeting with CNRS and several representatives of the BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency) and of several Indonesian universities to discuss the possibilities of future collaborations.

The 1st of March, Dominique Baillargeat, Director of the CNRS Office in ASEAN, was invited to the Assembly of Academic Senate of Indonesian Legal Entity State Universities. He presented CNRS, its international cooperation tools and its activities in Southeast Asia and Indonesia to the 21 public universities participating in the Assembly. 

[Malaysia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Malaysia

[Malaysia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Malaysia

[Malaysia] Visit of the CNRS ASEAN Office in Malaysia

CNRS ASEAN - visit Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
Malaysia visit CNRS ASEAN IFM NatProLab

CNRS Office in ASEAN during its visit to the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia, with the Deputy Director for Research Prof. Norzaini binti Azman. 26/02/2024. Credits: Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia.

CNRS Office in ASEAN visiting the malaysian partners of the project IFM NatProLab. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26/02/2024 Credits: Project IFM NatProLab.

The CNRS Representative Office in ASEAN was invited in Malaysia on the 26th of February 2024 by the Ministry of Higher Education and the international project IFM NatProLab.
The CNRS Office in ASEAN first met with the ministry of Higher Education, including the Deputy Director for Research Prof. Norzaini binti Azman, to discuss the possibilities of further collaboration between France and Malaysia.
This meeting was also the opportunity to discuss with researchers from several malaysian universities and with the National Energy Centre.

The CNRS Office in ASEAN also visited the malaysian partners of the international project IFM NatProLab in University Malaya, Prof. Khalijah Awang and her team, to discuss the future of this long-lasting collaboration.

Finally, the CNRS ASEAN Office met the scientific attache of the French Embassy in Malaysia.

[Singapore] Visit of CNRS Physics in Singapore

[Singapore] Visit of CNRS Physics in Singapore

[Singapore] Visit of CNRS Physics in Singapore

A delegation from CNRS Physics, one of the 10 Divisions of CNRS, visited Singapore from the 19th to the 21st of February. The delegation was composed of: 
  • Prof. Thierry Dauxois, Director of CNRS-Physics;
  • Prof. Saïda Guellati-Khélifa, Deputy Scientific Director for Physics of atoms, molecules and plasmas, optics and lasers;
  • Prof. Sébastien Tanzilli, Deputy Scientific Director for Quantum Physics and Technologies.

The purpose of the visit was to consolidate knowledge about the Singaporean ecosystem in higher education, research and innovation. The focus was on quantum science and technology, noticeably by exploring the potential for cooperation brought by the international research laboratory MajuLab.  

The delegation met with major stakeholders in that field, such as NUS, NTU, A*STAR, CQT or NRF.